Today is an ordinary work day in Canada. The kids are off to school and Aaron is off to work. I am thinking about what questions will be on the final exam I am releasing next week for my online course at UMassLowell. To all Americans celebrating Thanksgiving today, Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the food, the football games and the Macy's Parade. I told a Canadian two nights ago that Thursday is Thanksgiving. She was surprised and asked me whether it is unusual to have Thanksgiving on a Thursday! I explained that it always falls on the last Thursday of November. Then she asked whether Americans have Black Friday, too! I said, "Of course we do, it is always the day after Thanksgiving!" I think the lightbulb turned on at that point! Alas, we are not celebrating Thanksgiving this year, for the first time in my life including the year I was in England in November. Young Aaron is spending Thanksgiving break with Memere and PopPop. They will be having dinner with Alcida, Bob, Stephen and the girls. Kathryn will be celebrating with her friends in Montreal. Turkeys here cost nearly $3.00 a pound versus $.49 a pound on sale in Lowell. A turkey dinner is pretty costly, and since there is no one around today to eat it anyway, it doesn't seem like a good idea this year. We will have to save the turkey dinner for Christmas!
Aaron and I are going to a dinner theater night at one of the local Protestant churches tomorrow night. A friend of Abby's has a role, and she asked us to go. It will be a fun night out, I am sure. Daniel has judo tonight, and I have a Spanish interpreting job, so there would be no time for turkey tonight! Daniel has a judo tournament in Nova Scotia a week from Saturday. We will take the 7 am ferry, which means we will be leaving here around 5:30 in the morning! That will be an adventure. He is doing quite well at judo, and seems to have a natural knack for it.
Today is cloudy, drizzly and warm: in the fifties (farenheit). Yesterday I took Puzzle to the Vet College for shots and deworming. She is mad at humans in general, and me in particular. Horse is read to be led into the field, and that is my job, so off I go!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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