Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bright, Sunny Saturday following Black Friday

Today is the Saturday following Thanksgiving (oh, yes, AMERICAN Thanksgiving). Canadians have had their Thanksgiving over a month ago, on our Columbus Day, and so the holiday of the week is Black Friday! Yesterday was the day! I really don't understand how it works here, yet, but there were Black Friday sales beginning at 2 am and lasting until midnight last night. Otherwise it was an ordinary work day, unlike in America where it is generally a day off as part of the long weekend. Do people call in to work and say,"Hi, Boss! I can't come in today. Yes, I'm fine. No, it's not the black plague, it's BLACK FRIDAY!" Is that a legitimate excuse?

Yes, it is interesting to learn the cultural differences between here and home. Tney are subtle, but there nonetheless. I have joined a listing of Canadian blogs called Here is the link: Canadae: Canada's search engine. I am beginning a new fiber art piece today. The weather is warm and sunny, so I can bake my polymer clay outside in my new toaster oven dedicated to baking clay. Though such materials are labelled as non-toxic, they fill the air with fumes that cannot be good for you! The residue stays in the oven, so re-baking the fumes would not be good for the food you are about to eat, either! So many art projects, so little time!

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