Friday, April 30, 2010

Study Abroad Canada

Study Abroad Canada had their Open House to celebrate their newly expanded classroom areas.  I have been substitute teaching at Study Abroad Canada since January, and I am enjoying my classes very much.  The students are all very nice, and enthusiastic about learning English.  It is really a treat to meet and interact with so many people from so many different countries and cultures on a daily basis.  Their website is:  They are also on facebook at Study Abroad Canada.  If you go on to the facebook page, you will see photos of the Open House, and some of the Friday afternoon activities, such as the trip to the greenhouse and the north shore.  Next week, there will be a posting of an Artist Trading Card activity that I led.  Hitomi, Kazumi and I had lots of fun putting together our "mini gallery."

Kathryn is coming to visit tomorrow.  Abby, Daniel and I are going to Disney in just over a week with Memere.  Kathryn will be driving with us to Massachusetts, and we will all be going to Natalie and Jillian's First Communion party.  Then Kathryn will head back to Montreal, PopPop will fly out to Indiana, and the rest of us will set out for the Magic Kingdom.

Also, since the weather has been so nice, and spring this year has been fairly mud-less, we are opening the cottage soon.  Summer is on the way, and soon winter will be just a distant memory.  I can't wait to sit out on the beach again!

1 comment:

  1. Will you stop in and see us? Hope the beach you're dreaming of is not in the way of the oil spill.
