Sunday, October 11, 2009


On this Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, Abigail and I went to see Riverdance at the Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown. The theater was very nice. There were no bad seats anywhere. We were lucky enough to have the center, first row in the balcony. The show was terrific. The dancers were clearly world champion level Irish dancers, and the singers and musicians were superb. The only downside to the performance was the family behind us who brought their toddler to see the performance. Why they didn't spend the thirty dollars on getting a babysitter is anyone's guess! It would have saved the rest of the surrounding rows from constant chatter and seat-kicking. Children this young don't remember the performance, so taking a child that young to the theater to see an adult-oriented production only irritates the audience.

I think we will be waiting to celebrate Thanksgiving until the last Thursday in November. Somehow it doesn't seem right to celebrate Thanksgiving on Columbus Day! The weather is starting to get colder and fall is definitely in the air. It is getting darker earlier and staying darker earlier in the morning. The darkness will be my greatest winter challenge. Just as I always tried to be here on the summer solstice to enjoy the ten o'clock twilight, I will now have to make it through the dark of winter. I remember going to Scotland in November and the sun never really rising. It was completely dark by three in the afternoon! I have my SADD light, so I will get through it. All in all, I am very happy to be here. People on the Island are very friendly and helpful. I have been told that I will never be considered an "Islander." However, New Englanders are just the same; even though I lived in Lowell, Massachusetts for most of my life, nearly twenty-three years, people born in Lowell would still consider me a "blow-in." I would rather just be myself, having come from somewhere else.

To all you Canadians, Happy Thanksgiving! To all you Americans, Happy Columbus Day!


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